
ABC axes The Drum after 13-year run

The ABC has announced The Drum will air its final episode this Friday, after a 13-year run.

ABC News director Justin Stevens called it “a difficult decision” that will result in some job cuts.

“The Drum began in 2010 and it went on to be groundbreaking in championing diversity on air, leading the way in finding new voices and inspiring other ABC teams to follow suit,” Stevens said.

“It did this at a time when it was relatively uncommon to see diverse talent in our news programming.

“So much of the program’s pioneering work has now become an expectation for all our teams.

“The difficult decision not to recommission The Drum is no reflection on the achievements of the team over the years,” he continued. “Stopping things does not diminish their previous value or contribution.”

Co-host Julia Baird, who will remain with the network, said: “The Drum has been an incredibly rewarding opportunity. It’s allowed me to do what I love most – talking to fascinating, smart people about what’s going on in the world, while also interacting with the ABC’s engaged and always-thinking audience.

“It’s time for me to move on to new ideas and new challenges at the ABC, and I’d like to thank The Drum’s faithful audience for their loyalty and engagement,” she said. “It has been an honour.”

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