
Ad fraud and brand risk up in H2 2020, says IAS

Integral Ad Science (IAS) has disclosed new data showing that Australia witnessed an increase in ad fraud on desktop video, reporting an optimised against-ad-fraud rate of 1.6% for H2 2020, twice the average rate a year earlier. The worldwide optimised desktop video ad fraud rate was 0.8% for the same period.

According to Jessica Miles, country manager ANZ at Integral Ad Science, this rate of 1.6% is still relatively small, especially when compared to the worldwide non-optimised rate of 5.6%, “which is why we do not advocate alarm over the results despite the increase”.

“Fraud rates can fluctuate significantly over time based on increased adoption of a certain format (in this case digital video) or increased fraud activity in the market.”

She added: “We advise marketers to be aware of this benchmark and refer to it when analysing their results to understand if they are over-indexing compared to the market average (and subsequently may be experiencing issues with their campaigns).

“As a market we need to continue to be vigilant when it comes to ad fraud, investing in quality media from reputable sources, and monitoring and optimising with verification partners.”

Marketers are also advised to consider strategies based on optimised fraud, for which there were ad fraud mitigation strategies used, compared to non-optimised, which means campaigns had ‘no’ ad fraud mitigation strategies used.

“I strongly recommend that advertisers not just pivot to blocking but explore a more nuanced approach of brand suitability and contextual targeting to align the impression with the context, sentiment of the content,” said Miles.

The IAS Media Quality Report reports insights extracted from trillions of data events it measures globally each month.

In H2 2020, mobile video created the highest brand risk in Australia, at 4.6%, up from 4.2% in the same half 2019.

In mobile web display in Australia led to an increase in brand risk of  4.2% up from 2.5%. While, desktop led to a brand risk of only 2.9%, up from 1.9%.

Desktop video however was higher at 3.6%, up from 2.2% the corresponding period 12 months prior.

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