Dr Mumbo

Channel 7 plans to move entire office into Law Courts Building

Faced with two potential defamation claims in one day, Dr Mumbo can reveal that Channel 7 has decided to break the lease on its offices in Eveleigh and just take up residence in the Law Courts Building, in Queens Square.

Seven West Media’s acting CEO Lisa McCune confirmed the news to Dr Mumbo, saying that, given current events, the move makes a lot of sense, and will substantially cut down on travel time for a number of the network’s executive staff.

The office move comes after ex-Spotlight producer Taylor Auerbach and once-anonymous university student Ben Cohen both sent concerns notice to the network, each alleging serious reputational harm.

Dr Mumbo reached out to Seven for comment, and was sent a subscription form for Better Homes and Gardens magazine by way of response.

This is a developing story.

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