
Destination NSW launches new Nightjar-designed corporate website

Destination NSW has unveiled a new corporate website designed in collaboration with digital product agency, Nightjar.

The announcement:

Nightjar, a leading digital product agency, announced today its collaboration with Destination NSW, the lead agency driving visitor economy growth within the NSW Government, to launch its new corporate website. This new platform creates a one stop shop for those active in the visitor economy, helping them with access to resources, tools and events to help build businesses and grow the state’s economy. It marks a significant milestone in the organisation’s commitment to fostering innovation and driving economic prosperity through digital transformation.

Destination NSW spearheads a comprehensive approach to promoting NSW as a premier destination, securing major events, investing in visitor economy infrastructure, and supporting businesses state-wide. With a target of $65 billion in total visitor expenditure by 2030, the need for a modern, dynamic digital platform has never been more pressing.

Nightjar worked closely with Destination NSW to conduct extensive research and user testing, uncovering insights that informed the development of the new platform. The platform puts users at the heart, grouping content in an easily discoverable navigation, with modern and intuitive UX. A key objective was to reduce the number of support calls and emails Destination NSW normally fields, so a highly performant search was an extremely important feature of the new platform.

The result is a sleek, intuitive interface designed to empower businesses and promote the NSW region effectively.

Steve Cox, CEO of Destination NSW, expressed enthusiasm for the website’s launch, emphasising its role in driving the state towards its ambitious visitor economy targets.

“The NSW Government’s Visitor Economy Strategy 2030 envisions our state as the leading visitor economy in the Asia-Pacific, targeting $65 billion in visitor expenditure by 2030. To achieve this goal, digital innovation is paramount, and Destination NSW has a steadfast commitment to leveraging technology for seamless government and industry interactions, ensuring quicker and easier access to news, statistics and insights linked to the visitor economy.

“The new corporate website, designed to provide an engaging user experience, improved search functionalities and mobile responsiveness, positions Destination NSW to be adaptable and forward-thinking during the momentum phase of the Visitor Economy Strategy 2030, and in turn ensure NSW achieves its targets and goals for visit expenditure.”

Ahmed Meer, head of innovation at Nightjar, highlighted the project’s dual focus on design excellence and technical innovation. “Our ambition was to create a platform worthy of representing the vibrant state of NSW – a modern, visually stunning and world-leading digital presence. The new platform is also a technical feat – built atop a future-facing, API-driven architecture, accelerating Destination NSW’s digital innovation journey.”

The launch of the new Destination NSW corporate website signals a transformative leap forward in the organization’s digital journey, poised to catalyze growth and drive economic prosperity across the NSW visitor economy.

Source: Joy Clark

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