
Don’t forget about your pitch WIN reviews

While many agencies will conduct a review after losing a pitch, DPR&Co co-founder and managing director, Domenic Brasacchio, argues that more should do such after a successful pitch.

The debate on the state of pitching and the value that agencies and clients get from pitches continue to rage. Most agencies, licking their wounds after a loss, will undertake a loss review. However, there’s a compelling case to be made for conducting reviews of successful pitches.

While losses provide important lessons, it’s often the victories that hold the key to unlocking deeper understanding about your business. Analysing why you won can offer valuable insights that could shape the trajectory of your business in ways you hadn’t anticipated.

When you dissect a successful pitch, you’re not just celebrating the outcome; you’re delving into the strategies and tactics that contributed to that success. By focusing on what you did right, you can identify patterns and techniques that resonate with clients and stakeholders. This introspection arms you with knowledge that can inform your approach to future pitches.

Moreover, exercising the muscle of reviewing successful pitches hones your ability to recognise and replicate success. By understanding the nuances of what resonates with clients, you can refine your pitch strategy and increase the likelihood of securing favourable outcomes in the future.

Clients gravitate to your business for reasons beyond the work itself. Successful pitches often hinge on factors such as rapport, communication and trust. Examining wins gives you deeper insight into these intangible elements that contribute to your success.

Conversely, when agencies win, they’re susceptible to hubris and can assume they did everything right. But it’s probable that one or more of your competitors outperformed your agency in certain areas. It’s important to interrogate your new client on this, both for the sake of your future relationship with them as well as your next pitch opportunity.

We all know that losses provide valuable lessons. But by objectively evaluating your wins, you can uncover hidden insights, refine your pitch strategy, and position your business for continued success. Give it a go.

Domenic Brasacchio is co-founder and managing director at DPR&Co.

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