Dr Mumbo

Let’s all buy new cars and go to the back of Bourke

These are tough times for many in lockdown. We’re at the stage where just getting through the week, even the day, is an achievement in itself and worth a pat on the back.

It’s easy to let your mind wander and start making plans that may not be achievable for quite some time, but whatever gets you through the day/week/month/year.

Dr Mumbo’s mind didn’t have to wander far to get some ideas while watching Seven News last night at 6pm in Sydney, mind you. The helpful people at OzCar did it instead.

“You won’t need your passport for a while, but you will need your car!” exclaimed the excited salesman on the TV. Checks out so far.

“Because the road trip is back!”

Hmmm, probably should get a fact check on that one. Oops, no, no time, he’s still going.

“Grab a wine in the Hunter, go to the back of Bourke, or even see the Golden Guitar in Tamworth.”

Pretty sure the back of Bourke isn’t within most people’s LGA. Hold on, he’s still going.

“Upgrade your car, and take the kids on a road trip!”

That last part is slightly illegal at the moment.

This seems to be the TV equivalent of a pretty obvious mistake on the front page of a newspaper. Happens to the best of people. Not that Dr Mumbo is comparing it to the ‘World is fukt’ headline, you understand.

Five stars to OzCar for optimism but Dr Mumbo will chalk this one down to a misplaced ad rather than misplaced excitement or lockdown craziness.

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