
LiSTNR looks Beyond the Medicine Cabinet in latest podcast

LiSTNR has announced the launch of a new podcast, Beyond the Medicine Cabinet, in partnership with Dr’s On Call and Kooyong, that features real-world examples of how medical technology has changed the lives of many Australians.

The announcement:

The podcast series is designed to inspire and educate the next and current generation of medical professionals on the latest technologies and advancements in all facets of the medical sector through human stories and experiences.

Beyond the Medicine Cabinet will inform those already in the medical industry about how innovation is creating jobs and projects that they may not have considered working in and educate those looking to enter this rapidly changing field of what the future of their place in healthcare and medicine may look like.

Kooyong is part of Avant Medical Group and provides financial loan options to medical specialists and has provided more than 100 grants across medicine, hospitals, mental health, and arts organisations in the past three years. Dr’s On Call is a mobile medical practice servicing the needs of vulnerable populations across NSW.

Beyond the Medicine Cabinet is hosted by Dr’s On Call general manager, Zoë Callister-Hakewill. She is the Australian editor of the Innovation & Impact Scientific Technology and Business Journal and has expertise in commercialisation research, public health, health law and ethics. She holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychological Science) from Macquarie University, a Bachelor of Medical Science, a Masters of International Public Health, and a Masters of Health Law from the University of Sydney and is completing an MBA at Deakin University.

Callister-Hakewill is passionate about delivering stories on med-tech innovation and its impact on society. As an advocate for health literacy, she will interview some of the brightest minds in health and medicine across 10 episodes of Beyond the Medicine Cabinet, to empower individualised healthcare decision-making.

“Patient-centred care has become the cornerstone of health across the digital landscape. I have strived to ensure that the tone of the podcast strikes the perfect balance between scientific merit, practicality, and impact to increase accessibility for the lay person,” she said.

Podcast guests will include Dr Evelyn Chan, CEO & co-founder of Smileyscope, who created a VR platform to help keep children calm and still during medical procedures, and one of her patients and their parent.

Helen Souris, the CEO of Cardihab, the company that developed a digital cardiac rehabilitation tool for patients using a smartphone app which connects with a secure clinician portal, and a patient that uses the app, will discuss its success.

Tony Keating, CEO of ResApp, who created a digital healthcare solution to assist doctors and empower patients to diagnose and manage respiratory disease that are easy to use, clinically validated and regulatory-approved diagnostic tools that only require a smartphone, as well as a doctor and patient who use the technology, also discuss the success of the solution. Pfizer recently announced its intention to acquire ResApp for up to $180 million*.

Commenting on Dr’s On Call’s involvement in the podcast, Callister-Hakewill said: “I am a big believer in the democratisation of specialised knowledge. My greatest aspiration for the podcast is that the stories from the patients or insights from the experts resonate with listeners, allowing them to feel confident enough make a better-informed decision about managing their own health. Storytelling is such a powerfully validating element of the human experience.”

SCA head of commercial – podcasts and partnerships, Kim Norman, said: “Beyond the Medicine Cabinet is another fantastic and creative way we can bring interesting and complex topics to life in a podcast format. There is a lot of interest among podcast listeners in the health sector, which continues to grow on LiSTNR. The advances in medical and health technology have changed many people’s lives and this podcast is the perfect way to bring the medical, health and wider community these stories in an engaging way.”

Source: SCA

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