
Mumbrella Finance Marketing Week – Finding Financial Freedom: the new role brands must take to help women achieve financial autonomy and self-esteem

Achieving financial literacy and autonomy has never been more complex. Even before COVID-19, gender equality and the empowerment of women were topics of real discussion, change and progression.

As the pandemic continues to affect lives globally, we are beginning to see how women are being disproportionately affected – threatening the progress society has made in recent years. Globally, women are 1.8 times more likely than men to have lost or quit their job. In combination with the gender pay gap, the need and opportunity to address financial literacy could not be greater.

Our research dramatises that addressing financial literacy and autonomy – irrespective of gender – is now a commercial imperative for financial services. Why? Because financial independence is the dominant contributor to self-esteem. The impact of the pandemic has increased Australians need to make informed choices in life to be financially independent – especially where the opportunity to grow wealth for the future is challenged in a low interest environment.

Presenting exclusive research for Mumbrella Finance Marketing Week, Kantar’s head of qualitative Carolyn Reid and head of brand strategy Ryan France offer an unparalleled state of the nation regarding Australian women and finance. They’ll share a first-look deep dive into the implications of the current crisis, an indication of the direction for financial services brands, and actionable insights to help your brand play a valuable role in the financial wellbeing and self-esteem of Australian women.

This is some of the richest and newest data of the Australian story through COVID-19 and beyond. Prepare for a big wake-up call and get ready for a new future of finance.

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