
Paramount Australia hit with redundancies

Paramount Australia has been hit with a number of redundancies, with those impacted to be “notified by close of business today”.

It is unknown which elements of the local business will be impacted, nor the number of redundancies.

Pam Kaufman, president and CEO of international markets, global consumer products and experiences for Paramount, sent the following memo to staff this morning:

“As Bob shared earlier this week, in order to drive earnings growth in 2024, we have had to make some tough but necessary decisions to ensure we continue growing our revenue while streamlining operations and reducing costs.

“Unfortunately, this includes parting ways with some of our respected colleagues across the Australian business, who will be notified by close of business today.

“I would like to take a moment to thank all those who will be impacted. Your important contributions to our organisation have strengthened our business, and we are grateful for your dedication. These decisions are never easy. I know the changes will be felt across the region, and I encourage you to support one another as we navigate this next phase of our evolution.

“While this is a difficult moment, I want to emphasise that I believe in our global strategy, and I am confident that the Paramount Australia team will continue to drive the business forward to meet our goals across this critical and priority market.”

A Paramount spokesperson provided the following statement to Mumbrella: “Paramount is focused on driving earnings growth in 2024. As we continue to deliver our strategy in Australia – which is a critical and priority market for Paramount – we have had to make some tough but necessary decisions to ensure we continue to grow our revenue while streamlining operations and reducing costs.

“As Bob Bakish said in his memo, some employees will leave the business, and to those colleagues we would like to express our sincere thanks for their hard work, dedication and professionalism. We will be supporting all colleagues impacted during this period.”


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