
Streem’s Federal Election data tool launched for 2022 campaign

Realtime media monitoring provider Streem today announced the launch of Instant Election Insights, a new realtime public data tool that provides insights on how the media is covering the 2022 Federal Election campaign.

Instant Election Insights is the first public data tool made by Streem and can be accessed by anyone online, including journalists and campaign teams.

Based on the recently relaunched Instant Insights tool within Streem’s realtime media monitoring platform, Instant Election Insights provides seven charts and graphs that break down media coverage of the Election campaign, including:

• Leaders’ Share of Voice today, showing the share of voice secured by each of the two major parties leaders each day;

• Today’s top issues, ranking the four biggest Election issues that day;

• Leaders’ Share of Voice so far, showing how the two leaders’ media profile has tracked across the campaign to date;

• Top campaign issues so far, ranking the 10 most-mentioned issues so far in the campaign;

• Geographic spread by City (Map), displaying where each of the major parties are securing their coverage from across Australia;

• Coverage by Media Type, breaking out how much of each of the major parties’ coverage comes across various types of media; and

• Leading campaign spokespeople; breaking out who from the two major parties has the highest media profile across the campaign so far.

Jack McLintock, communications lead at Streem, said that Instant Election Insights would help voters, organisations and journalists better understand the shape of Election coverage. “The Federal Election is one of the biggest news events out there, and the level of coverage it generates
can sometimes prove overwhelming. With Instant Election Insights, we’re enabling anyone, no matter their level of expertise or experience, to clearly see what and who is resonating in the press during the Election using realtime public data.”

The data tool is available now at, where users can also learn more about the methodology behind the charts and graphs that feature.

Instant Election Insights forms just one part of Streem’s comprehensive Election offering, with a Daily Election Report service also available and being provided to leading corporate and government organisations daily at 6am.

Streem will also be providing data for publications and broadcasters to use in their coverage of the Election, including the ABC, The Australian, the Australian Financial Review, and Sky News, to provide further insight to readers and viewers about the campaign.

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