Dr Mumbo

The formula to ruin one career – just use artificial intelligence rather than your own

Dr Mumbo has been a Formula 1 fan ever since it was invented by Netflix and the team at Drive to Survive.

One could only imagine what a season of the series would be like with behind the scenes looks at the greats like Michael Schumacher and Mika Hakkinen.

Unfortunately, one particular journalist tried too hard to imagine recently.

Schumacher has not been seen in public since being in a serious skiing accident in December 2013.

But Dr Mumbo and a large number of other readers of Die Aktuelle (yes, Dr Mumbo has a fascination with German magazines) were shocked when it published a supposed interview with the seven time F1 World Champion. His first since the accident.

The headline read: “World sensation, the first interview.”

As expected, not all was what it seemed. Editor-in-chief Anne Hoffmann, who had been with the title for 14 years, was sacked after it transpired that the interview was AI generated.

“FUNKE (the publisher) apologises to the Schumacher family for reporting on Michael Schumacher in the latest issue of ‘Die Aktuelle’,” said managing director Bianca Pohlmann.

Unsurprisingly she admitted it was an error of judgement and the family of Michael Schumacher is looking to take legal action.

So there you go Dr Mumbo readers. What is that old saying? Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. AI doesn’t ruin careers, people ruin careers.

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