
The top 10 most read news brands: Roy Morgan for ThinkNewsBrands

The latest release of Total News readership shows news consumption continues to grow with 20.5 million Australians consuming news in a four-week period, an increase of 0.8% compared to the same period last year.

The readership figures, produced by Roy Morgan for ThinkNewsBrands, refer to the 12 months to June 2022 and show that Total News reaches 97%of the population aged 14+. Total News represents all news brands across print and digital and standalone news websites as one media channel.

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ThinkNewsBrands general manager, Vanessa Lyons, said: “In any given week, 18.9 million Australians read news to stay informed, entertained, and aware. According to Roy Morgan data, that is more than the number of Australians consuming milk, drinking coffee, or logging into Facebook.

“It’s a phenomenal number and even more phenomenal that readership of Total News continues to grow. This is testament to the important role news brands play in the lives of Australians and it shows what an unbeatable package Total News is for advertisers looking to connect with audiences.”

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Total News is defined as Australians aged 14+ reading news in print and news in digital. Digital news includes Australian publishers’ news websites/apps, Apple news, and non-Australian-owned news. It also includes ABC news and Google news.

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