
Twitter’s ad portal traffic dips while TikTok’s soars; Twitter Blue interest staggers: Similarweb

While traffic to Twitter’s ad portal has dropped around 11% year-over-year (YoY) in September, TikTok’s ad portal is seeing an uptick in interest, with a 51.5% increase in traffic, according to Similarweb research.

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However, Twitter remains one of the most visited sites in the world, attracting 6.8 billion visits in September with a 4.5% YoY increase.

Twitter’s subscription plan, Twitter Blue, has attracted under one million visits to its signup page since July.

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Before Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, moved to terminate his purchase of Twitter in July, The New York Times reported upon viewing his pitch deck to investors that Musk claimed Twitter’s advertising would fall to 45% of total revenue, down from around 90% in 2020.

David F Carr, senior insights manager at Similarweb, said: “Musk, the billionaire CEO Twitter of Tesla and SpaceX, among other ventures, revealed in early April that he had bought a 9 per cent stake in Twitter, making him its largest shareholder. After flirting with joining the Twitter board, he instead launched a hostile takeover offer at a substantial premium.

“Whether the deal will really, truly close remains in question. But if Musk really does wind up owning Twitter and taking it private, he will be buying a company damaged by turmoil he helped cause and that in any case suffers from many intractable problems, including its reputation as a hotbed of bots and misinformation.

“By focusing so much on the bot problem, he may have further undermined confidence in Twitter as an advertising channel, which was already under pressure due to economic and demographic forces, such as the affinity of young people for TikTok.”

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