
Carbon Positive Australia launches first-ever brand campaign

Carbon Positive Australia (CPA), a charity dedicated to combating climate change, has launched its first-ever national brand campaign, addressing Australia’s environmental challenges via Sydney-based digital agency Tailbird.

Australia is among the top ten worst land clearers in the world, and has the 10th highest carbon emissions out of 213 countries and territories, according to CPA.

These facts, and more, feature in the new campaign. By raising awareness about Australia’s environmental challenges, CPA hopes to “ignite a movement” of sustainable practices, restore the country’s land and protect its biodiversity.

CPA’s CEO, Louise Tarrier, said: “This brand campaign is a significant milestone for Carbon Positive Australia.

“We are passionate about protecting and restoring Australia’s biodiversity, and this campaign will allow us to reach a wider audience and inspire them to join us in the fight against climate change. By working together, we can make a real and positive impact on our environment.”

Tailbird’s founder, Charles Hunter, added: “We are honoured to partner with the team at Carbon Positive Australia in creating this important and impactful brand campaign.

“Through powerful storytelling, we aim to educate and motivate people and organisations to make sustainable choices that will benefit Australia and our planet in the long run.” 

The campaign also uses CPA’s website for people to access resources, calculate their carbon footprint and make donations to support native tree planting initiatives across Australia.

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