
Neuro study underlines the benefits of priming in radio advertising

New research from the Australian Traffic Network (ATN) looking into advertising effectiveness during radio ad breaks has found that an advert is 31.6% more effective when a listener has been primed with the ATN traffic update ad prior to hearing an ad within an ad break.

The study is a joint endeavour between Neuro-Insight, a neuromarketing and neuroanalytics company and the network.

The study found that branding moments are critical to the long-term success of a creative. Where an ad ran in the break, along with other contextual factors played a role in its overall effectiveness, in other words, its ability to be committed to long term memory.

Priming is a technique where the subconscious of a consumer is more likely to engage with a marketing campaign if already aware of it. In this example the segment of an ATN Traffic Update was analysed, and found that when the reporter reads a brand’s script at the end of the update, the listener’s engagement level is higher when the same advertiser is featured in the ad break that follows. In fact, it has almost a third of a better chance of being committed to long term memory when an advertiser books both the ATN Traffic Update, complemented by an additional advert in the subsequent break.

A prominent finding was also that by using what Neuro-Insight call ‘Iconic Triggers’, which are the moments being embedded into memory in an ad, the viewer will have greater effectives. 70% of the scripts that did this, saw these key moments embedded in both ads.

Elsewhere in the study, Neuro-Insight found that there was a 28% greater engagement rate when people were listening to ATN Traffic Update, when compared with the average listening experience. And the peak moment in your ad post the traffic update can achieve 62% greater effectiveness.

The 2,500 person study found that 95% of the metropolitan respondents listen to the radio in the car and 71% find the traffic updates useful.

Speaking on the findings, Neuro-Insight’s CEO, Peter Pynta, said: “Priming is something we’ve seen across all channels in the media. Our subconscious can’t help but identify material it’s previously taken in. Which is why it’s so effective for marketers. Priming across an entire marketing mix is where we see the most benefit. In radio it means across multiple stations and time slots.

“Advertisers and agencies are constantly striving to integrate the media ecosystem with complimentary ‘fit-for-purpose’ messaging that leverages different creative formats and time lengths. This is exactly why we see such a strong priming effect between ATN 10’s and traditional 30’s in combo.

“When advertisers optimise their ATN messaging through neuro, we’re effectively shortening the odds of success. We make the most of each and every second. Ultimately these executions – in combo – have the right balance of consistency and yet novelty (or newness) which sees this priming effect leveraged extremely well.”

William Yde III, ATN CEO, stated: “Radio is not a passive medium as some would have you believe. And neuroscience proves that. When you provide value in people’s day, they reward you with their attention. Priming is a marketers best weapon against information fatigue and so we’re already hearing a lot of interest from current advertisers about how they’re planning on optimising their creative with this new research in mind. It is not an either or when planning, we have now proven this and are ensuring greater effectiveness in particular ROI for our clients.”

Speaking as part of a launch panel, Flight Centre global CMO, Darren Wright, said there were many reasons he valued radio and specifically ATN Traffic Update having used it as a marketer since 2004, including speed and time to market.

“The neuro optimisation tool is really good. We tested a few campaigns and we’re top of the class, it’s so simple for us. For us we see ATN Traffic Update as OOH for audio, where you get 100% share of voice. The neuro tool has worked well with ATN for us, so we’re big fans,” he said.

Neuro-Insight told Mumbrella: “It’s vital that a neuromarketing provider test creative in its natural environment: if the creative is a TV advertisement, then it should be tested on a TV screen, during a primetime show, through a single consumer viewing. Multiple-view testings, shown out of context and to a restrictive sample size, can skew key findings.

“Neuro-Insight’s studies use a minimum of 50 people in an environment most native to a real-life viewing. Ads can be tested on TV screens, laptops, and mobile devices, and our robust technology takes accurate readings in just one exposure. If desired, multiple viewings can uncover the number of viewings that lead to brand fatigue.”

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