
Omnicom staff complete Amazon Advertising’s OMEGA training

Amazon Advertising has partnered with Omnicom Media Group (OMG) Australia to roll out its e-commerce Accelerator Program OMEGA.

OMEGA launched earlier this year in the US, and has since arrived in Australia, with Omnicom staff undertaking the training program which covers retail strategy, operations, catalogue management, advertising, brand building, retail marketing and the suite of tools, analytics and insights.

The program is available through the Amazon Advertising platform, with extensive training taking place over two months, culminating in competition entries where participants demonstrated their expertise by applying it to current OMG clients.

OMG chief investment officer, Kristiaan Kroon, explained: “Commerce capability is critical for our clients and therefore we are investing in key points of the consumer journey with the clear purpose of growing our client’s business.”

“Nearly 70 OMG staff completed the Amazon OMEGA course and we are now one of the most certified business’ across Amazon Advertising products in Australia. Integrating this capability with all our services gives our clients a market leading advantage, which we will continue to accelerate.”

Participants were led by Omnicom’s Resolution Digital TransAct business, a dedicated ecommerce practice.

Resolution Digital general manager, Mohammad Heidari Far, said: “Over the best part of 4+ years we have been evolving our TransAct business, especially in the rapid growth area of marketplaces across the eCommerce landscape. It is not only key to focus on the strategic framework but also the hands-on
elements, which makes the eCommerce Accelerator Program crucial in delivering an end to end marketplace growth solution for our clients.”

Resolution’s national eCommerce lead, Gavin McColl, added: “The quality of training delivered by Amazon was exceptional. This was entirely evident in the calibre of the final competition entries, something which wowed us and Amazon Advertising’s leadership.

“The skills learned on this program are already being put into action and our clients will continue to reap the rewards of the time and effort put into the course by our people.”

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