
Starting marketing manager salaries in Australia higher than US and UK: Deel

Salaries for Australian marketing managers start at A$85,000, higher than those in the US (A$70,000) and the UK (A$58,000), Deel’s new salary insight tools find.

The payroll and compliance platform has recently released a series of features – Org Chart and Global Hiring Toolkit – to help companies benchmark salary offers based on market, experience and industry.

Other findings of the tools include that, in the second half of 2021, there was a 23% increase of salaries in Australia. While an Australian senior sales manager earns a median salary of almost A$150,000, those in the Philippines earn around A$28,000.

In addition, APAC organisations were most interested in obtaining salary information from the US, Philippines, Indonesia, China and India.

According to Deel’s State of Global Hiring Report 2021, the growth rate of hiring was up 227% in APAC, with Australia being the second fastest growing country by rate of hiring in the region.

“The global war for talent means that many ANZ businesses are facing huge challenges recruiting tech, marketing and sales talent and the lack of immigration over the past couple of years has made this shortage even more pronounced,” says Shannon Karaka, head of expansion ANZ at Deel.

“The latest additions of Org Chart and Global Hiring Toolkit contribute to our mission of improving the hiring process for our customers and their employees and contractors.”

Organisations including Linktree, SafetyCulture and Quantium have adopted Deel’s service to hire remote workers and expand to different regions.

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