
Premium digital media creates superior recall and brand uplift, finds TPD report

Advertising across premium digital channels is more effective than ‘run of the internet’ (niche and non-premium sites such as Mamamia and TechRadar) and Facebook, according to Think Premium Digital’s new The Benchmark Series study.

The study is the largest cross-media advertising effectiveness study ever conducted in Australia, and ran across 252 websites, with 5,350 participants.

Overseen by MediaScience CEO, Dr Duane Varan, the study compared how placement in premium digital channels performs compared to run-of-the-internet and Facebook. It looked at key metrics across short and long terms memory, plus brand lift.

ThinkPremiumDigital – The Benchmark Series [click to enlarge]

Think Premium Digital general manager, Venessa Hunt, said: “It’s logical that the content surrounding advertising affects its results.

“In plenty of media channels, we know this to be true and buy accordingly. However, when it comes to digital, there wasn’t the evidence to demonstrate it.

“Finally, there’s proof that premium digital is a better choice for advertisers; that premium content – and context – actually does matter.

“This ground-breaking research is exactly what we’ve been waiting for as it also highlights premium digital’s ability to encode memories certifying the ability to build brands.”

Think Premium Digital GM Venessa Hunt

Other findings included that on its own, display advertising drives 3.5 times more recall in premium environments. Additionally, premium short-form video in premium environments delivered 1.8 times higher recall compared to Facebook video.

MediaScience’s Dr Varan said: “The findings of this study are consistent with studies MediaScience has conducted in the US which have found premium content activates people’s cognitive resources.

“Consuming premium content opens the mind and memory pathways and this creates a halo effect for the ads in these channels leading to greater memory and brand preference.”

Hunt added: “We can now answer the age-old question, ‘does advertising in premium actually deliver better results?’ And the answer is a resounding yes.”

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