
Zenith unveils ‘Zen Academy’ for junior talent

Zenith Australia has launched ‘Zen Academy’ aimed at training junior staff and developing the next generation of leaders.

Zen Academy will pilot in Q1 of next year, consisting of in-person and online training across four six-month modules – investment, strategy, planning, and digital.

Once the program is fully operational, staff members that have completed each module and pass Zenith’s testing criteria will receive formal accreditation and a six-month salary increase.

Research conducted by Zenith revealed that junior recruits are seeking variety and progression early in their career. The Zen Academy’s training program addresses this and provides for coordinator level staff to progress to an executive level role in12 months – with the appropriate foundations to continue their career progression. They can then choose to specialise at management level, while having the option to pivot and explore alternative areas of specialisation in the future.

New junior staff will form the Zen Academy class of 2022, and Zenith will rollout bespoke training programs for existing coordinator and executive level staff, following the pilot.

Zenith Australia CEO, Nickie Scriven, said the academy’s goal is to teach transferable skills that allow staff to progress and pursue agile pathways within the business.

“The Zen Academy is our answer to the industry’s undeniable talent shortage. As change accelerates, we need to find a way to round out our people’s skills and support them upward, so that they’re not operating in silos, but instead understanding how each piece plays into each other. Having a knowledge of the full media landscape will unlock their potential to assume roles across various disciplines, and importantly, within leadership,” she said.

“The academy’s purpose directly aligns with our mission at Zenith, ‘solving for the now, and what’s next to drive growth’. We are so excited to launch our Zen Academy – to develop future leaders with far-reaching skills, and ultimately stay in tune with the needs of our industry.”

Meanwhile, Zenith has partnered with Australian SaaS technology company Rubii, a real-time data-aggregator that allows the measurement, optimisation, reporting and reconciling of campaigns across all digital channels and buying platforms.

Zenith national head of digital and data, Joshua Lee predicts the investment will free up 30% of users’ time so they can focus more on skills development.

“Digital implementation is increasingly fragmented and labour intensive. We partnered with Rubii to put automation, data visualisation, and insights in the hands of over 170 employees. As more channels go digital, our aim is to free up as much capacity for our teams so we can further futureproof their time and skills. They can reinvest this into being more strategic, creative and proficient across a convergent media landscape,” Lee said.

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