
Masterclasses on the psychology of colour, data driven journey mapping and more confirmed for Mumbrella360

Four new sessions have been confirmed for Mumbrella360, including three Masterclasses with leading industry experts.

Nathan Jones, director of the Mood Institute, will lead a Masterclass titled ‘How the Psychology of Colour Can Boost Your Emotional Intelligence’.

Nathan Jones, director, Mood Institute

Jones, who has a PhD in Psychology, a Bachelor of Psychology Science (Honours), and a Bachelor of Behavioural Studies (Marketing), is at the forefront of research in the science of emotion. His former career as one of Australia’s leading voiceover artists (Nickelodeon, MTV, Network 10) has provided him a unique perspective on the role emotions play in the way we interact with brands and media. Jones’ research findings have been presented at the World Congress on Positive Psychology, the National Scientific Conference, and International Society for Research on Emotion. He has also been featured in mainstream news outlets including the SMH, ABC and Sky News.

In this Masterclass, he will share a first look at his original research mapping out the eight different ‘zones’ of emotion. This new framework is grounded in a data-driven experiment conducted at the University of Adelaide using colour and emotion words.

In another Masterclass from Metric Labs’ director, Vincent Maneno, delegates will be walked through a data driven approach to understanding website user journeys.

Vincent Maneno, director, Metric Labs

Titled ‘How to Master Data Driven User Journey Mapping’, Maneno will introduce a new data analytics technique that uses process mining to uncover actual user interactions on websites. He will talk delegates through data preparation techniques, and address typical challenges that analysts face when running process discovery analysis.

The Masterclass will feature some examples of where this mapping is applicable, as well as how it can help organisations transform their views on user journey mapping.

Also joining us at Mumbrella360, is Principals insights director, Mary Winter.

In a Masterclass titled ‘How the Science of Signs Creates Brand Impact’, Winter will demonstrate four key ways semiotics can make brands more meaningful.

Mary Winter, insights director, Principals

Semiotics is right back on the radar for smart marketers around the world as a way to tap into the subconscious and connect brands to culture.

Winter will explain the science of semiotics and how it can help delegates build more memorable brand identities, communications campaigns, places and digital experiences.

Finally, in a session titled ‘The Dark Side of Behavioural Economics’, Dianomi’s managing director, APAC, Julian Peterson will talk delegates through an important question – should behavioural economics be weaponised against consumers?

Julian Peterson, managing director APAC, Diamoni

Practitioners of behavioural economics go to great lengths to emphasise ethics and behaviour around trials and interventions. They ‘nudge’ people to make better choices, without taking their choices away.

In what he calls a “potentially career-ending session”, Peterson will review how behavioural economics can do harm, how actions designed to protect consumers have unintended consequences – and how both are being exploited by advertisers.

Mumbrella360 is taking place at the Hilton, Sydney on July 18-20. Earlybird tickets for Mumbrella360 are still available, but end on May 17.

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