
Concrete Playground launches travel offering across ANZ

Digital city guide Concrete Playground has extended its offering to include an e-commerce travel platform, Concrete Playground Trips (CP Trips), providing Gen Z and Millennial travellers with a selection of itineraries across Australia and New Zealand. 

Each itinerary is curated for the young audience, incorporating research and feedback about experiences, outdoor adventures, luxury getaways and city breaks.

Supported by TRAVLR, all recommended flights, accommodation and experiences in the itineraries will be bookable through CP Trips. Concrete Playground joins TRAVLR’s media client list including Paramount ANZ, BBC Global News and Australian Community Media.

As part of its launch, Concrete Playground conducted research in April 2022 amongst its Gen Z and Millennial audiences across Australia and New Zealand to ensure they fulfilled current expectations and travel trends.

Findings include that 53% of Australians and 50% of New Zealanders are planning on doing more domestic trips this year compared to pre-pandemic, with Tasmania on top of the list for Australians to head to. 40% of total respondents said they’re planning on spending more than their pre-COVID spend.

Founder and director of Concrete Playground, Rich Fogarty said that providing travel experiences was a natural evolution for the Concrete Playground brand.

“For 13 years, we have been the go-to destination for the best experiences on offer across Australia and New Zealand, so it’s only fitting that we take this one step further and actually offer these as bookable experiences to our dedicated audience.

“We know how important travel is to everyone post-pandemic, so we have taken every step to ensure we have the latest research and insights to provide only the most exclusive, GOAT experiences based on feedback and demand.”

The first hero offering from CP Trips is an exclusive experience at the Spring City Festival in Auckland.

Rich Fogarty and Simon te Hennepe, CEO and founder of TRAVLR, are due to speak at the upcoming Mumbrella Travel Marketing Summit on 27 October.


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