
TLE expands with corporate social responsibility offering

Enero agency TLE has launched TLE Social, a brand designed to help businesses develop their approaches to corporate social responsibility.

TLE’s Australian managing director Tim Riches said the expansion will see TLE Social help Australians businesses “to help define, integrate and communicate social purpose as a brand asset.”

“Walk into any supermarket to see how a range of reputational issues like sustainability, community fabric, climate change, child labor, deforestation and animal welfare are increasingly becoming battlefronts for the hearts and minds of consumers,” said Riches.

“The stakes are raised through social media, which amplifies consumer power as advocates for or activists against your brand. This is the key driver of the convergence of the traditionally separate functions of brand and reputation management, and the need to achieve competitive differentiation in CSR Strategy.”

TLE’s Social will aim to bring together products and services with the causes they support.


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