
Alan Finney to chair AFI

Film industry veteran Alan Finney has been appointed chairman of The Australian Film Institute.

He replaces Morry Schwartz who stepped down after five years, although he will remain on the AFI’s board.

Schwartz said: “The time has come to pass the baton. Alan is one of our industry’s most respected people. I am confident that Alan will take the AFI from strength to strength. He starts with a new era, in a new city.”

AFI CEO Damian Trewhella said a major contribution from Schwartz was the foundation of the AFI Fellowship Program which supports innovative ideas and has provided in excess of $100,000 in industry grants. Trewhella said: “It’s been a mammoth undertaking and Morry’s talents and commitment have been invaluable.”

Finney has been involved in film since the 1960s including the formation of Hexagon Productions, the first ongoing joint venture between production and distribution entities in contemporary Australian history, producing such movies as Alvin Purple, Alvin Rides Again, Petersen, End Play and Eliza Fraser.

During his time with Roadshow Film Distributors, Finney supervised the release of Australian titles such as Mad Max, Breaker Morant, Proof, Romper Stomper, The Piano, Muriel’s Wedding, Priscilla: Queen of the Desert and The Castle.

He also headed up Buena Vista International’s Australian and New Zealand operations and served on the board of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image and as Chair of the Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australia. He was previously on the board of AFI.

Finney said “I am honoured to have the opportunity to help the AFI fulfil a relevant, important and innovative role in our film and television communities and building strong industry relationships nationally and internationally will be a key priority”.

Mike Baard, MD of UPI Australia, has also joined the board.


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