
Former Choice spokesman Christopher Zinn joins ADMA as Code Authority chair

Christopher Zinn, former head of campaigns and communications at consumer watchdog Choice, has joined the Australian Data Marketing Association as the head of its independent complaints review body.

Christopher Zinn new ADMA Code Authority chair.

Zinn, who left Choice to found Determined Consumer where he is a director, will oversee the Code Authority which enforces the ADMA Code of Practice in areas of best practice and ethical conduct including fair trading, channel regulation and privacy principles.

Zinn said he saw the position as an extension of his role.

“I am very happy to have been asked by marketing’s peak body to work closely with industry and continue my advocacy for consumers,” Zinn said.

Zinn joins other Code Authority members consumer advocates Victoria Rubensohn, Robin Brown and former commonwealth ombudsman Allan Asher. Industry representatives include Samantha Yorke (Google), Sophie Jackson (Foxtel) and Graeme Alexander (American Express).

ADMA CEO Jodie Sangster said it was important to have both a consumer and business perspective on the Authority and Zinn was across both areas.

“Data is becoming increasingly used by organisations and we want to ensure good practices and high standards,” Sangster said.

“Members of ADMA meet these standards and the Code Authority ensures consumer trust.”


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