
Havas Red unveils new agency vision in response to rise of AI

Havas’ PR, social and influencer arm, Havas Red, has launched a new agency vision – ‘Agency Intelligence’ – the AI that “powers original creativity and solves brand challenges”.

Drawing tension between the industry’s rapid embrace of AI and the need for human intelligence to power creative innovation and problem solving, Agency Intelligence acts as the agency’s response to the ‘tsunami’ of automation technologies flooding the creative industry, supporting its belief that brands and talent must continue to prioritise critical human thinking.

“We wholeheartedly believe human intelligence is the engine that powers original creativity and helps solve the most important challenges for our clients,” Shane Russell, CEO of Havas Red Australia, said.

“It’s intelligent people from a range of specialised disciplines who help brands communicate with purpose, nuance, emotion, and personality.

“We’re embracing automation tools to supercharge creative output; however, artificial thinking will never replace the best ideas, creativity, relationships, and people.

“As long as we’re communicating to humans, we need human insight and smart people at the wheel.”

Starting this month, the Agency Intelligence platform will begin shaping content on the agency’s owned channels, industry reports, thought leadership, new service offerings, events, employee training, and more.

Havas Red’s Australian client list include Toyota, Lexus, Tourism Tasmania, Norco,, SunRice, Big W, AusGrid, Terry White Chemmart, and more.


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