
Bombshell wins at Melbourne Queer Fest

BombshellKim Farrant’s Bombshell won the City of Melbourne Emerging Filmmaker for Best Australian Short Queer Film at the Melbourne Queer Film Festival.

“I made this film because no one should have to live in shame about who they are or keep secrets about who they are,” said Farrant.

Bombshell tells the story of two Greek Australian brothers who must question their beliefs and identities when they discover a family secret. Farrant said the film is based on the family’s shame over the father’s secret bi-sexuality, which they eventually got ride of by sharing their truths.

Another short, Lauren Anderson’s Love and Other Red Spot Specials was named winner of the Selector’s Choice Award for Best Australian Short Queer Film. It is the story of a shoplifting transvestite on an extravagant quest for love.

The festival will have encore screenings on Monday; audience awards for best feature, best documentary, best Australian short and best short will be announced following the festival.


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