
Brand’s EQ measured in new report by Carat

Carat has launched a new piece of proprietary research to measure the emotional intelligence of brands globally.

Research for The Brand EQ Index captured the views of 10,000 people in 10 different markets on 48 of the world’s biggest brands from March onwards.

In Australia the top brands on the Brand EQ Index 2020 are Google and Microsoft (a Carat client) both scoring 72%. Other brands include Samsung, eBay, Kellogg’s, Netflix, Coca-Cola, Nike and Gillette which scored 65% and above.

According to Carat: “Our premise when we launched this study was to establish which brands build experiences that people felt to be most emotionally intelligent. In a world in which connecting a diverse range of brand experiences is becoming more important – and in which brands are increasingly seeking to create value for people and society – EQ seems to us to be a critical area on which to focus.”

Source: Carat

Carat has found opportunities to apply its new ‘Designing for People’ process for clients, recognising that empathising with people is more important than ever in a disrupted and disconnected world.

“As the world becomes more technical and more complex, we can lose sight of what we ultimately do in media and marketing – and that is to understand real people and design experiences that add value to their lives,” said Sue Squillace, CEO Carat ANZ.

The Brand EQ Index is the first in a series that will be built upon in the coming months with deep dives into different people segments and categories with Carat’s Consumer intelligence data.


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