
Dynamic Duos: Arize’s Megan Keogh and Honi Rosenwax

In this week's Dynamic Duos, Arize CEO Honi Rosenwax and COO Megan Keogh share how the pair originally met in primary school, in a classic tale of opposites attract. They share how their friendship has grown into a professional partnership, when Meg - the operations wiz - joined Honi - the creative thinker's - PR startup.

In Dynamic Duos, Mumbrella each week asks two members of the same organisation with a professional and personal affiliation to share with readers the importance of workplace relationships in an increasingly hybridised world of work.

Megan Keogh:

Honi and I originally met in high school, where we knew of each other but didn’t really know each other. We became close friends after school, in our late 20s, when we were reintroduced through our now-husbands and broader friendship group.

Our awesome friendship came before our Arize partnership. It’s a friendship built on fun and laughter – and our shared odd sense of humour.

Honi is hilarious. She’s always the life of the party, keeping people entertained with stories of unlikely situations she’s found herself in over the years. She’s the ultimate storyteller – which comes in handy at Arize when communicating clients’ stories and messaging.

Honi’s true superpower is her ability to connect with people. She is kind and respectful, and makes people feel heard and valued. Whether she’s helping a mate with a task they’re struggling with, providing advice, or wanting to make sure she spends time with her daughters, Honi gives it her everything. She’s one of those people who makes the most of every day.

Family is Honi’s number-one priority, and this extends to the Arize family.

Our Arize partnership emerged from our friendship and mutual respect for each other.

Honi Rosenwax:

From the first time I met Meg I knew we were fated to be great friends.

Our friendship is built on silliness and laughter. Whether in the office or at a social event, it’s always 10 times better with Meg around.

Meg is the salt of the earth. She does good deeds without even realising it.

You will never find someone more dedicated, generous and loyal to others. She puts everyone above herself on her to-do list, starting with her children followed by absolutely everyone else she is close to or has something she can offer them.

As well as being a force for good, Meg is fierce, just like Beyonce. She is the best person to have in your corner – especially when running a company. Not many people will stand up for their ethical convictions like Meg, she knows who she is and what she stands for.

Meg loves the simple things in life; a full belly and streaming tears of laughter. And, of course, for her family to be safe and happy.

Our Arize marriage has become one of the greatest joys of my life.

Meg on Honi:

Most memorable moment with Honi: There are many moments, but the most memorable was Honi telling me she was pregnant, it was incredibly special. Honi is a beautiful mum.

Describe Honi in one word: Wizard (it’s a never to be repeated story but just ask me and I will tell you).

Honi’s most annoying/endearing quality: Honi’s most annoying habit is also her most endearing – Honi is late to most things. While she’s working hard to change this, she’s usually late because she’s helping someone with something.

Honi on Meg:

Most memorable moment with Meg: During lockdown for my 40th birthday gift, Meg, along with the team, curated a Gloria Estefan film clip with each person singing a verse to Turn the Beat Around. Shoulder pads, maracas and eighties eyeshadow featured heavily. It was superb.

Describe Meg in one word: Hilarious (Meg laughs through good times and tough times, she has resilient kinda energy).

Meg’s most annoying/endearing quality: Meg’s most annoying quality is leading grownups across a road as though they are small children. It’s completely unnecessary 999 times out of 1,000, but the act perfectly sums up Meg’s kindness.


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