
News Corp Australia continues rolling out redundancies

News Corp Australia has made more redundancies over the past few days, following the initial announcement of a major executive restructuring.

Over the last fortnight, the company let go Michael Wilkins, managing director of the company’s national sport brands, Marcus Hooke, general manager of print production,’s editor-in-chief Lisa Muxworthy, and Editorial Innovation Centre director John McGourty.

Peter Blunden, News Corp Australia’s former national executive editor has had a request to reduce his responsibilities reduced to three days a week approved.

In the midst of this, News Corp released a press release announcing: “News Corp Australia today appointed recognised media industry executive Ian Paterson to lead its New South Wales sales team as General Manager, Advertising Sales, NSW.”

Over the past few days,  Michael Desiere, Dynamic Sales Leader, Penny Addison, Senior Content Manager, Trade Marketing, and Alexandra Bliekast, Head of National Trading & NSW Consortium Agencies and Global Solutions Team Lead have been confirmed to have lost their roles at the company.

A report in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age this week claimed that up to 40% of sales staff were on the cusp of being made redundant.

A News Corp spokesperson told Mumbrella this report was false.

“Like most companies we do not provide commentary on employment matters but the story that first appeared in the Nine Entertainment tabloids, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, contained multiple errors, including the egregiously false claim 40 percent of sales staff were to lose their jobs,” the spokesman said.

“The published story still contains significant errors and we would appreciate having the opportunity to consider and respond to questions rather than media outlets automatically assuming these reports are correct.”

News Corp Australia have declined to comment further on the matter of specific redundancies.


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