
Morning Update: Mattel moves into content marketing; what’s missing from journalism right now; where are the female CMOs?


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Campaign Live: How Mattel is evolving beyond the ad

Mattel’s content division, which launched late last year, has appointed its first chief content officer, Catherine Balsam-Schwaber, an experienced media hand with prior roles at NBC Universal and Viacom.

A push into content marketing is indicative of how Mattel is trying to navigate changes to the media landscape. This is particularly pressing given how young Mattel’s audience is – there’s little point investing millions in TV ads if five-year-olds are always watching YouTube on the family tablet.

emily nussbaum journalism tweet

Mother Jones: This Is What’s Missing From Journalism Right Now

This June, we published a big story—Shane Bauer’s account of his four-month stint as a guard in a private prison. That’s “big,” as in XXL: 35,000 words long, or 5 to 10 times the length of a typical feature, plus charts, graphs, and companion pieces, not to mention six videos and a radio documentary.

It was also big in impact. More than a million people read it, defying everything we’re told about the attention span of online audiences; tens of thousands shared it on social media.

Meredith Wallace Head of Social Media & Engagement at Lion & Lion

Mumbrella Asia: Where are all the women chief marketers?

The gender diversity debate is far from over, and we must take pro-active steps to ensure women in marketing are given the encouragement and opportunity to rise to the top, argues Meredith Wallace.

In his interview with Business InsiderSaatchi & Saatchi chairman Kevin Roberts alluded that the gender diversity debate is nearly over, and that, in reality, women are content to never reach leadership roles as they lack the “vertical ambition” of men.

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The Sun: ITV to switch off for 1 hour to encourage people to exercise and feel part of Team GB

ITV will stop broadcasting for an hour at 9.30am a week on Saturday to encourage Brits to get off their sofas and exercise.

An on-screen message will instead tell viewers: “We’ve gone running — why don’t you join us?”  During the blackout, 2,000 sports clubs will welcome anyone who wants to try a new activity, with Olympians on hand to give advice.

CNN launches drones for journalism

Poynter: CNN just launched a new drone division. Here’s what they plan to do with it

For months, anticipation has been building about the prospect of journalists sending drones skyward to cover the news.

At long last, after many months and piles of red tape, the Federal Aviation Administration in June released guidelines that will allow journalists without pilot licenses to operate drones after passing a test. Those guidelines go into effect later this month, and it’s possible the United States could see a sudden glut of drone-enabled photojournalists.ThinkstockPhotos-server farm

Ad Age: Tech Companies Call for Brexit Plan to Keep Internet Borders Open

When consumers across the European Union go shopping online, their credit-card details and other personal information often zip across borders to giant data centers in the U.K.

Telecommunications and technology companies, worried that the country’s vote to leave the EU could block digital traffic and stifle a fast-growing part of the British economy, are urging the U.K. government to negotiate a Brexit deal that keeps internet borders open.

The Washington Post: Gretchen Carlson is close to settling her case against Ailes. Let’s hope she doesn’t

or Gretchen Carlson, a big settlement in her sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes might be the best outcome personally.

The former Fox News host would get to make her point, pick up an eight-figure check, pay her legal bills and move on with her life, which includes raising two middle-school-age children. But, although I wish her well, I hope that she doesn’t do that.


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