
Period poverty podcast ‘Another Bloody Podcast’ launches

The founder of Share the Dignity, Rochelle Courtenay, is launching ‘Another Bloody Podcast’ – a new podcast with Podshape focusing on period poverty.

The announcement:

Podshape is excited to announce a new partnership with Share the Dignity, launching “Another Bloody Podcast,” a compelling new podcast aimed at raising awareness and driving conversations around period poverty.

Hosted by the ‘pad lady’ herself, Share the Dignity founder Rochelle Courtenay, you will hear raw and real stories from the recipients of kind donations, the changemakers who help spread the word, the volunteers who make it all possible and the charity partners who join us on the journey.

Hear how just one packet of period products, or one It’s in the Bag filled with essentials can change someone’s world.

Both side-splittingly funny and utterly heartbreaking, leave this podcast with goosebumps that’ll have you wanting to be part of the change to ensure menstrual equity here in Australia.

“Another Bloody Podcast” is set to be released monthly on the 28th, symbolising the average length of a menstrual cycle. The first episode will be released on the 28th May which is world menstrual hygiene day.

Rochelle Courtenay, founder of Share the Dignity said “We have always been about storytelling at Share the Dignity and we are so excited to have introduced another bloody podcast to do this!”

Katie Mattin, co-founder of Podshape said “We are excited to be working with Share the Dignity, this podcast has a great mix of humour but also has some really powerful stories. ‘Another Bloody Podcast’ is more than just a podcast – it’s a platform for change. We believe in the power of storytelling to drive social impact, and we’re doubling down on our commitment to shape the world through these powerful stories.”

Listeners can look forward to the first episode of “Another Bloody Podcast” on May 28th, available on all major podcast platforms.

Share the Dignity is an Australian charity focused on ending period poverty and ensuring everyone has access to menstrual products. Through initiatives such as Dignity Drives, #ItsInTheBag, and education campaigns, Share the Dignity works tirelessly to support those in need and raise awareness about menstrual health.

Podshape is a leading podcast production company dedicated to creating high-quality, impactful audio content. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to social good, Podshape partners with organisations and individuals to produce podcasts that inform, inspire, and entertain.

Source: Podshape


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