
Rachel Griffiths and Liz Hayes to feature at Women in Media event

Australian actress Rachel Griffiths will be joined by veteran journalist Liz Hayes on stage at the Women in Media conference in August.

The announcement:

Women in Media is thrilled to announce an exciting addition to their August 9 Conference line-up with Australian film legend and Academy nominated actress Rachel Griffiths AM, joining Australian TV-interview legend Liz Hayes, for an in-depth conversation about her career and life in the screen industry. What is sure to be a captivating event, Hayes will bring her award-winning interview skills to the conversation, delving into Griffiths’ fascinating career as an actress, director and producer, as well as the role she has played highlighting women’s issues over the years.

Griffiths will delve deeply into her iconic career and the strong and complex female characters she has brought into popular culture, beginning with her unforgettable role as the feisty Rhonda Epinstalk in Muriel’s Wedding – a role for which she won international acclaim and an AFI Award for Best Supporting Actress. She will also explore her other accolades including her Golden Globe winning performance of Brenda Chenowith in the critically acclaimed HBO series Six Feet Under.

In addition, Griffiths and Hayes will uncover stories behind the star’s many roles and achievements throughout her stellar career, including:

  • Her well-known roles in ABC’s Total Control (as Prime Minister Anderson), a series she co-created; her role opposite Johnny Depp in Blow; and her part as the fun Samantha Newhouse in the beloved rom-com My Best Friend’s Wedding alongside Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz.
  • Her work as a director and producer for the record-grossing Australian film Ride Like A Girl, in which Griffiths described it as “a PG feminist sports film that would make men cry”.
  • Griffiths’ role as board director of ACMI
  • Her Order of Australia (AM) for her contribution to the arts.
  • Her passion for feminist issues and supporting women in film.

Kym Middleton, General Manager, Women in Media, says, “Rachel Griffiths has an impressive knack for delivering killer feminist insights whether it be at a quick red-carpet interview at a film premiere or through her invested work on major projects she directs, produces or plays a character in.”

“To couple Rachel Griffiths with Liz Hayes, one of the country’s most experienced interviewers – who has equally established herself as one of Australia’s most accomplished women in media – is frankly, really special. I cannot wait for this conversation between these two cultural powerhouses.”

Continues Middleton, “Despite coming from wildly different parts of our industry, Rachel Griffiths and Liz Hayes are both storytellers at heart. They just do it in different ways; one through scripted films and TV, the other through reporting on news events. Each has interesting skills in creativity, investigation, narrative-making, and character exploration that we can learn from.”

Don’t miss out on this fascinating in-conservation. You will have to be in the room to catch this must-see event.

Source: Women in Media


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