Dr Mumbo

How Domain solved the housing affordability crisis

Dr Mumbo isn’t immune from pontificating about property prices at backyard BBQs, which is why he was excited to learn Fairfax’s real estate arm Domain had partnered with ME to create a comedy content series about the quirks of Australia’s property market.

Dr Mumbo’s excitement only climbed when he realised every would-be first home owner, wannabe investor and struggling family could relax – Sydney’s prices have plummeted to levels not seen since, well, ever.

Dr Mumbo is thrilled to reveal that, according to the video, the median house price in Sydney is now just $1,123.

Sometimes, a full stop is all you need to solve your property woes

In episode one of the series, which has already been pushed out on social media, ‘Sydney’ is enthusiastically spruiking the highlights of her recent purchase: “I could hardly believe my luck. Two bedrooms, one and a half bath, plus, if you go three suburbs over, harbour views. At just over $1 million – it is a steal.”

Dr Mumbo notes however that the graphic is somewhat at odds with ‘Sydney’s’ sky-high claims and the never-ending news reports about the city’s prices.

‘Brisbane’ is confused by Sydney’s property prices

He wonders if maybe the comma and the full stop should be further away from each other on the keyboard – but wouldn’t mind at all if the graphic proves to be correct. $1,123 – even Dr Mumbo can afford that!

‘Are you sure that’s Sydney’s median house price Domain?’

Dr Mumbo invites you to imagine what life could be like if Sydney prices were only four figures by watching episode one below:





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