
Showpony appoints Andy Scott as creative director

Showpony Advertising has appointed Andy Scott as creative director.

The announcement:

As Showpony Advertising continues a successful push east via its new Melbourne office, ex-Clemenger writer, Andy Scott steps into the role of Creative Director in Showpony’s Adelaide stable.

Parris Mesidis moves into the role of Group Creative Director across Adelaide and Melbourne. Says Mesidis, “It’s an exciting time for Showpony and this appointment makes perfect sense. Andy first came to us as a writer in 2007. Since then he’s moved between agencies, building his reputation as an award-winning creative thinker. Apart from his vegetarianism, he’s a fantastic fit and we’re thrilled with his return.”

Riding high on the success of his “Bromance” campaign for the Motor Accident Commission which picked up a coveted Chair award at the recent AADC awards, Andy’s rapt to be back where his agency life began.

“I’ve covered some ground since leaving Showpony,” says Andy, “creating good work with great people at Jamshop, Clemenger and KWP. But given Showpony’s talent for creating compelling, emotive stories, I wasn’t going to pass on an offer like this.”

With a slew of national and international awards perched atop the agency fridge (most recently a prestigious Gold Effectiveness Award for SA Health’s Aboriginal Immunisation campaign) Showpony have managed to grow their Adelaide client list while pushing into the national market via the Melbourne office.

In an environment of shrinking budgets and migrating clients, Mesidis believes Showpony’s growth can be attributed to one thing, “Regardless of volatile economic conditions and changing technologies, we remain committed to the simple, effective communication of our clients’ aims and values. Like Showpony, Andy knows this is best achieved through the delivery of messages that challenge and move audiences. That’s what we both do best.”

Source: Showpony Advertising media release


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