
Superannuation fund Rest shows customers how to connect to super

Superannuation fund Rest is showing consumers the ‘innovative ways’ it can connect them with super, as part of a new marketing push.

The new work, by independent creative agency Mr Wolf, seeks to show customers how the superannuation fund has evolved over time.

Tony Singleton, managing partner at Mr Wolf, said the campaign evolved from a simple human truth – people feel happier when they are making progress.

“When you think of superannuation, it’s difficult not to think of retirement. However, when you’re talking to a super fund who has a large demographic of younger people like Rest – who generally feel next week is a long time away – you lose them if you start talking about a far-off future that they struggle to relate to,” Singleton said.

“Therefore it was really important to find a way to make this brand campaign about an emotional benefit delivered today and not just tomorrow.”

Michael Stevenson, managing partner at Mr Woolf, added: “To help combat any brand misattribution during the rebranding process, we introduced the brand thought at the forefront of the communications.”

The campaign is running across television, digital, outdoor and social.

Mary Atley, general manager of brand, marketing and communications at Rest, said the new brand a campaign is reflective of the business transformation.

“This campaign and our overall rebrand is all about how we’re evolving as a fund. We’ve always put our members interests first, but over the last few years we’ve focused on innovations that really help our members to connect and engage with their super,” said Atley.


  • Creative Agency: Mr Wolf
  • Art Director: Steve Liu, Kelli Anderson
  • Copywriter: Jen Barnett, Andy Healy
  • Strategy: Tony Singleton
  • Account Management: Michael Stevenson
  • Agency Producer: Tanja Perl
  • Media: Customedia
  • Brand Identity: Principals
  • Production Company: Filmgraphics
  • Director: Nick Robertson
  • Producer: Kim Kirby
  • EP: Anna Fawcett
  • DOP: Ben Shirley
    Editor: Danny Tait
    Sound: We Love Jam
    Photographer: Sean Izzard

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