
MercerBell to handle Foxtel CRM and customer and business digital business following pitch

Foxtel old logoMercerBell has been appointed to handle the consolidated Foxtel CRM and customer and business digital account with the agency to work alongside CHE Proximity to deliver larger integrated campaigns spanning across customer and acquisition.

The appointment which will see the agency effectively charged with the broadcaster’s one-to-one marketing follows on from a closed pitch. It is unclear which agencies held these duties before.

Foxtel head of customer & loyalty marketing Chantal Walker said “It was an incredibly tight pitch which made the decision a difficult one to make. What set MercerBell apart was their level of collaboration and their understanding across all areas especially data management. Every individual on their team delivered to their area of expertise brilliantly. They clearly demonstrated how strong a team they are, and are set to take us to places we did not know existed.”

MercerBell is best known for its work for Allianz while CHE Proximity most recently worked on Foxtel’s ‘Alert Shirt’ for the AFL.

MercerBell managing director Julie Dormand said: “This is a defining moment in the 15 year history of MercerBell. I’m very proud of my entire team and the way they came together to deliver what was one of the best pitches I’ve ever been a part of. What’s clear to me is that Foxtel have recognised the importance of the Customer and see MercerBell as the perfect partner to help them deliver their vision.”


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