
Annual subscription TV advertising revenue rises

It was announced today that advertising revenue from subscription TV grew by 7.4% between financial years 2010 and 2011. Subscription TV reaches approximately 6 million people on a weekly basis and has been the fastest growing media in Australia with advertising up 22.3% since 2008.

The Ernst & Young report compiled for ASTRA (Australian Subscription Television & Radio Association) found net ad revenues of over $180,076,000 from 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011, with a complete total of nearly $386 million for the financial year.

In a statement, Petra Buchanan, CEO of ASTRA said, “Even in a cautious market, subscription television continues to provide advertisers with the opportunities to reach targeted audiences. Integration of brand products and services to technologies, such as the red and green button, has enabled advertisers to drive relevant, specific and engaging content to viewers. It has also helped media agencies offer more value to brands by aligning services with targeted viewer interests.”


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