Dr Mumbo

Breakdancing and skateboarding are ruining the Olympics for Baby Boomers, apparently

The Olympics has been a tradition since 800 years before Buddha was born — or Jesus if you wish, or even Seneca — but this year it has been officially ruined, the Baby Boomers of Australia can report.

Yup, new data from YouGov shows that the introduction of new fangled sports like skateboarding, surfing, sport climbing, and now (gasp!) breakdancing, is turning that generation off the Olympic Games this year.

Of the different generational groups, Gen X is most likely to watch, with 65% of Aussies planning to tune in (either that, or they’ll be too indifferent to turn the tele off), while Boomers are the least likely, with just 56% saying they are likely to watch.

Moreso, after the introduction of breakdancing this year, “45% of the [Boomer] generation have said that they are less likely to watch the Olympics after the inclusion of this new sport.”

Boycotting an entire two-week, international spectacle — perhaps the closest thing we’ll ever get to world peace, despite the competition occurring between the nations — because of one sport, is like hating the Beatles because of Ringo’s solo albums.


From YouGov: “Skateboarding, sport climbing and surfing were all introduced in the last Olympic Games in Tokyo. Baby Boomers again expressed their disapproval, 36% saying that the inclusion of skateboarding has made them less likely to watch the Olympics. They held a similar sentiment to sport climbing (31% less likely) and surfing (29% less likely).”

Never mind the fact that skateboarding was created and popularised by the Boomers (called ‘sidewalk surfing’ in the 1960s), while surfing also became an international craze under their watch.

Breakdancing is more modern, I’ll admit, but was also developed in the early 70s — which falls under the Boomer remit, as well.

You put this shit into the world, Boomers.

Much like the pollution we have to breathe, or the oceans we can no longer swim in, or the forests you bulldozed, or the wars you waged over invisible borderlines – you made this mess, now sit on your damn recliner, with your knock-off Jenny Kee knitwear, and your Lyn Scully haircut, and your warm mug of smugness, and WATCH THE FUCKING BREAKDANCING.

Thanks for the Beatles though – you got that one very right.


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