
Dynamic Duos: ‘We’ve become like family’

This week in Dynamic Duos, Mumbrella hears from Nicolas Ojeda Amador, communications and engagement specialist, and Farida Malek, community engagement manager, at CultureVerse, part of Think HQ. The pair discuss how they instantly clicked as friends, bonding over their shared love of food and appreciation for one another.

In Dynamic Duos, Mumbrella each week asks two colleagues with a professional and personal affiliation to share with readers the importance of workplace relationships in an increasingly hybridised world of work.

Nicolas Ojeda Amador:

I joined Think HQ back in 2021, and one of the first people to say hi was Farida – but “saying hi” doesn’t really do it justice. Without making a fuss, she made me feel like I had just walked into a family reunion rather than a new job.

We clicked instantly, bonding over our love for people, places, and – most importantly – food. Our first project together was recruiting community leaders for a voice over recordings gig. It wasn’t just work; it felt like a mission to give a platform to some real unsung heroes.

Farida’s superpower is making everyone feel included and valued. She’s like a community-building dynamo, silently but effectively ensuring our campaigns are inclusive and impactful. Her passion and drive make anything seem possible. Oh, and did I mention she speaks five languages?

Farida Malek:

I started at Think HQ in 2020, and not long after, Nic joined our team. First days are always terrible, and everyone always needs a friend, so I invited him to lunch. We hit it off right away, swapping stories about our previous jobs and laughing about the weird things we’ve encountered.

From that day on, it was clear we’d be more than just colleagues – we’d be pals.

Nic is the kind of person who makes you feel like you’ve known him forever. He’s charming, kind, and has a heart of gold. We’ve become like family, attending community events together and laughing more than anyone has a right to while at work! His compassion and thoughtfulness make him stand out, and he always knows how to make people feel valued. Like a splash of hot sauce in a dish, he lifts any event he’s at for everyone there.

Nic on Farida:

Most memorable moment with Farida: One of the standout moments was attending Farida’s wedding. It was like stepping into a fairy tale, and being part of her special day with her family was unforgettable. And let’s not forget her biryani – pure culinary magic! Whether it’s our office lunches or weekend dinners, our shared love for food has given us some of the best memories.

Best word to describe her: Unstoppable. Farida’s drive and determination make the impossible seem possible. She’s always dreaming big, and has an ability to get the most out of people even in the most tricky of circumstances.

Most annoying habit or endearing behaviour she has: Farida’s insistence on including everyone and making sure every voice is heard might slow things down sometimes, but it’s always the right call in the long-run. And it’s not just listening, but actually ensuring that people feel seen when our work finishes, not just heard when it’s happening.

Farida on Nic: 

Most memorable moment with Nic: Nic’s Portuguese tarts are legendary. Every Monday, I’m on the lookout for them, and they never disappoint. But beyond the food, it’s our volunteering and projects that really stand out. Every event with Nic turns into a memorable adventure because of his dedication and the meaningful conversations we share.

Best word to describe him: Compassionate. Nic’s genuine care for others and his willingness to help out in any situation is remarkable. His empathy and understanding set him apart.

Most annoying habit or endearing behaviour he has: Nic’s knack of remembering small details from our conversations is endearing. He recalls favourite books, milestones, and more, making everyone around him feel valued and appreciated. Simple acts of kindness come so easily to him – he really doesn’t realise the impact each one has.


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