
Endometriosis Australia launches first TV ad about the disease via HAVAS Red

The first-ever TV ad to raise awareness about period pain and endometriosis will air this week.

Launched by Southern Cross Austereo (SCA) and Endometriosis Australia via HAVAS Red, Take Your Life Off Hold aims to raise awareness of the fact that extreme period pain could be a sign of endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of it, causing severe pain and increasing pregnancy complications.

The nationwide campaign, which will run on SCA’s regional stations, is part of a two-year partnership with the Endometriosis Australia charity.

Endometriosis Australia chair Monica Forlano said she hopes the ad will increase awareness of endometriosis across regional Australia and empower patients to advocate for their health needs.

“There is still an average six-and-a-half-year delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis of endometriosis in Australia, and this delay is often longer for those living in regional communities,” she said.

“As someone who has experienced the devastating symptoms for over 19 years before finally getting an endometriosis diagnosis, the Take Your Life Off Hold campaign is close to my heart.”

Isabelle Nader, who was diagnosed with endometriosis and features in the ad, said being part of the campaign proved “we are all on this journey together”.

“It means that I’m not alone in my suffering and that we are breaking down a barrier of taboo by talking about endometriosis and period pain. Finally, it affirms I should be taken seriously when I say, ‘I cannot move because of my period.'”

The campaign will follow the recent out-of-home advertising campaign – It’s not just period pain, it could be endometriosis’ – donated by Ryval Media and playing on SCA radio since March.

Southern Cross Austereo CEO John Kelly said, “We are delighted to announce the next step in our partnership with Endometriosis Australia through the SCA Embrace program, with the extension of our Community Service Announcements to television.”

The partnership between HAVAS Red and Endometriosis Australia began in 2017 when the agency worked on a PR and government relations campaign that generated historic funding for research into the disease.

Managing partner of health and wellness at HAVAS Red, Nicole Phillips, added: “HAVAS Red continues to support the organisation with a drumbeat of earned media, heroing the stories of women living with endometriosis and the important work Endometriosis Australia is doing in research and community awareness.”


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