
IndieGogo launched for OOH campaign critical of Australia’s climate change policy

Comedian Dan Ilic has launched an IndieGogo campaign, ‘JokeKeeper: Shaming Australia’s climate inaction’, to place billboards critical of Australia’s climate change policies in both Scotland and Australia ahead of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow.

The campaign is currently at 1034% of its initial Flexible Funding goal of $12,500, with the total contributed at the time of writing being $129,282.

Three billboard designs are planned for the out-of-home campaign, with the third design yet to be revealed.

Brisbane artist Nordacious’ billboard

In Australia, a digital billboard owned by Gawk on the Great Ocean Road has been locked in. Mumbrella understands there are other locations in Australia that are being discussed with Gawk.

The company has this week reached the milestone of 50 billboard locations in regional Victoria and South Australia.  This portfolio includes three digital sites with a fourth going up in Ballarat in October.  Gawk Outdoor was established by the brother duo Luke and James Course in 2018 and previously known as Regional Billboard Co

Ooh Media is supplying the campaign in Armidale and Hawthorne.

In Glasgow, the campaign has a digital billboard on London Road, owned by Ocean Outdoors, on a major commuter route.

The second design for the OOH campaign by Kate Holdsworth. This is not the final artwork, it will be adjusted on a case-by-case basis.

Ilic told Mumbrella: “Since meeting our billboard budget a few days ago, we renamed the campaign #JokeKeeper to build a content budget to make highly targeted quality satirical comedy content for the upcoming Australian election. One of the most important elections in the world’s history — and election that will define how many gigatons of carbon get transferred it from the earth to the sky.”

Ilic continued: “The #JokeKeeper fund will pay for satirists, writers, creatives, producers, and data scientists, to help make comedy content in all forms to ridicule fossil fuel funded candidates.

“We’re planning more than billboards. Videos, pranks, memes, and the podcast it’s going to be really fun.

“Once we know how much is raised at the end of the campaign, we’ll be able to better budget out the full scope of work.

“Since employees of the ABC aren’t allowed to talk about climate change without also saying ‘and for balance some people think Climate change is good too.’ It’s a relief to have a pot of money to cause good trouble for politicians who do not have the long-term interest of Australia at heart.”

The campaign seeks to provide work for comedians and comedy writers in Australia who have faced financial uncertainty with ongoing lockdowns.

The COP26, or the United Nations Climate Change Conference, is scheduled to be held in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021. The billboards are scheduled to run for those dates.

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