
McDonald’s ignites nationwide hunt for ‘fan-favourite’ Chicken McNugget, via Mango Communications and DDB Sydney

McDonald’s is giving Chicken McNugget fans across Australia the chance to win a pair of nugget-inspired boots or ‘Nuggies’, via an AI-driven campaign from Mango Communications and DDB Sydney.

The first-of-its-kind initiative, the endearingly named ‘#BootPursuit’ campaign, pays homage to the iconic McNugget shapes of bell, bone, ball and boot. However, the platform reverences the indisputable king of sauce dipping, the boot.

#BootPursuit calls for McNugget aficionados to purchase nuggets from any McDonald’s restaurant countrywide and look for a piece with the boot shape. Using the respective QR code on their pack, customers can use their phone’s camera and the scanner app “to scan the right morsel and … [gain] access to the entry form”.

The technology is powered by artificial intelligence and its recognition capabilities, leveraging “Google Gemini as a UGC mechanic.” And thanks to an extensive testing process, the AI scanner is capable of determining the “perfect boot-shaped Chicken McNugget”, without confusing them with similarly shaped objects and other McNuggets.

“We’re thrilled to be bringing Nuggies back, and to give fans the opportunity to get their feet in them,” said McDonald’s Australia’ brand manager, Chloe Brannagan.

“Limited edition Macca’s merch has always been hot property, so to give them away with fun use of tech is the icing on the cake. Or the breading on the nugget, so to speak.”

DDB Sydney’s executive creative director, Matt Chandler, added: “The boot-shaped Chicken McNugget is a fan favourite. It always tops the poll for number one nugget. It was time to reward Australia’s boot enthusiasts. The leaps we’re seeing in AI are remarkable, writing Shakespeare, generating news, and now analysing Chicken McNuggets. What a time to be alive.”

With only 2000 pairs of Nuggies available, the campaign began this week and will stay in market for a total of three weeks.

#BootPursuit will also leverage PR, sponsorship, social and influencer support.


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