
New creative agency launches, helmed by ex-M&C Saatchi CEO Jaimes Leggett

Jaimes Leggett, Celia Wallace, Jade Manning and Vince Osmond have launched Today the Brave, a new independent creative agency.

Based in Haymarket, Sydney, the partners said it is founded on the principle of brave work growing brands, “through not only ambition but action”.

Full-page ad in today’s media section of The Australian

The agency has already been working with clients including the University of Sydney, AMP North, News Corp, Hoyts, and Mercury Capital.

Founding partner, Leggett said: “Today the Brave is the coming together of two defining philosophies and a collective of very driven people, creating an agency that will see some of the best talents in the industry partnering with clients on their growth journey.”

Leggett left M&C in April 2020, with Justin Graham taking over as group CEO. 

“In the right hands, bravery can do incredible things. It can punch above its weight, catch you off guard, tell better stories, and drive growth in meaningful ways.”

Wallace, who takes the role of business partner and was previously group business director at M&C, said: “We’ve established this business to bring together a diverse range of talent, curating an environment brimming with creativity and chemistry. Our business is underpinned by a shared passion to deliver exceptional work. As we continue to grow, our energy and enthusiasm will be a catalyst for action.”


Manning and Osmond have been a creative duo since 2009, working at Special Group Sydney, DDB Sydney and TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, and now take the founding role as creative partner.

“It’s been a life-long dream to be a part of growing something really unique from the ground up. We want to see Today the Brave become a beacon, not only for creativity and innovation but for talent and clients to feel confident in finding new ways of winning,” said Osmond, while Manning added: “The ethos of action and bravery lead to incredibly exciting stuff. Simply planning to be brave isn’t brave enough. Today the Brave is a stake in the ground. It is a commitment to helping our clients do great things through definitive action.”

The agency has also hired Ethan Hsu as head of design.



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