
SPAA announces new councillors

Ben Grant of Goalpost Pictures and David Redman of Instinct Entertainment join new President Brian Rosen and Vice President Sue Taylor on the SPAA Council for 2011/12.

The full list of elected SPAA councillors are as follows:

Brian Rosen moves from Feature Film councillor to President as Antony I Ginnane (IFM Film) steps down. Bob Campbell (Screentime) will be replaced by Sue Taylor (Taylor Media) formerly the television councillor.

Ben Grant (Goalpost Pictures) and David Redman (Instinct Entertainment) step into the Feature Film councillors roles with Daniel Scharf (Profile Creative) an outgoing office holder.

Paul Barron (Great Western Entertainment) replaces Sue Taylor as Ros Tatarka (CreatEve) fills the spot of outgoing Jenny Lalor (entertainment lawyer) for the Television department. Chris Hilton (Essential Media & Entertainment) and Andrew Ogilvie (Electric Pictures) remain documentary councillors, so too does Jennifer Wilson (The Project Factory) in the role of Animation and New Media councillor while Services and Facilities councillor Alaric McAusland (Deluxe Australia) also remains.


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