
Tik Tok marketing agency Tik My Day launches

Marketing consultants Lucio Ribeiro and Sergio Brodsky have launched Tik Tok-dedicated marketing agency, Tik My Day.

The agency touts itself as the region’s first full-service business dedicated to advising on and executing Tik Tok campaigns across different formats.

Tik My Day founders Sergio Brodsky and Lucio Ribeiro

Tik My Day has launched off the back of working with BMW/Mini on the first automotive campaign on Tik Tok in Australia.

Ribeiro said: “Tik Tok compares to nothing I’ve seen before. Its uniquely accurate personalisation algorithm makes it not so much a content platform but an AI hub, predicting and serving relevant videos to viewers, which makes users want to engage with its content. They have the audience, the smarts, and the positivity.”

At the centre of the agency’s offering is the ability to go live with a campaign in 48 hours, the agency said. It will deliver the strategy, media and creative execution, whilst leveraging Tik Tok’s cultural trends.

Tik Tok has over six million users in Australia and has seen a surge in downloads since COVID-19 lockdown began.

Brodsky said Tik Tok is more than just social media.

“Tik Tok is a phenomenon, and any media strategist should be looking at it to understand trends before they emerge. It has become a cultural barometer and participatory destination unlike any other for brands and audiences,” Brodsky said.

“Tik Tok is not social media, but rather, another entertainment channel. Our work, therefore, is about translating a brand’s image and voice in a context that celebrates positivity and leverages the mindset for this audience. We are fast, smart, easy to work with and experienced. That’s our model.”

Ribeiro is the founder of digital agency Online Circle, working with clients including Mercedes-Benz, Crown, BMW/Mini, AGL, NAB and Target. He lectures in digital marketing and artificial intelligence at RMIT and marketing insights and data at Deakin University.

Brodsky also lectures at RMIT and is the founder and principal at brand and strategy consultancy Surge. His background is in media agencies, previously holding top strategy roles Initiative, Starcom and Omnicom.

Tik Tok announced it was opening an Australian office last week under the leadership of former Google execs Lee Hunter and Brett Armstrong.


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