
Howcroft safe on Gruen despite Ten move

Gruen Planet has moved to reassure its viewers that Y&R Brands boss Russel Howcroft’s move to Ten will not spell an end to his appearing on the ABC show.

After several fans took to Facebook to express their concerns about Howcroft’s job move, Gruen posted a message saying that Howcroft would still be allowed to appear.

gruen russel

Howcroft would not be the first media person working for a rival organisation with a regular ABC gig. Alan Kohler, who writes for News Limited’s Business Spectator is a regular on ABc television.

gruen_transfer_street_sceneAlong with Leo Burnett’s Todd Sampson, Howcroft has been with the Zapruder’s Other Films-created show since The Gruen Transfer first started pulling back the curtain on the advertising world nearly five years ago. last week, Gruen Transfer was revealed as Australia’s favourite TV show at the Mumbrella Awards. The show is hosted by Wil Anderson.


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