
Hort Innovation looks to Thinkerbell for full-service market solution

Not-for-profit research, development and marketing hub for the Australian horticulture sector, Hort Innovation, has looked to consolidate its creative, media, PR, and social accounts, appointing Thinkerbell for a full-service solution following a competitive pitch process.

Thinkerbell will utilise its ‘measured magic’ proposition – which combines creativity with marketing sciences – to build Hort Innovation’s market share both locally and globally, across its suite of 24 different Australian produce categories, including Australian Bananas, Aussie Apples and Australian Avocados.

The appointment marks the first time Hort Innovation has engaged with just one agency who can work on all elements of its marketing – including creative, paid, earned, owned and shopper.

Its creative, social and PR was previously held by TBWA Sydney and Eleven, and Atomic 212 was the media incumbent.

“We were hugely impressed with the strategic thinking that went into Thinkerbell’s pitch process,” said Brett Fifield, CEO of Hort Innovation.

“We can’t wait to kick-start the partnership and are confident that the work we will deliver will champion the Australian horticulture sector and bring benefit to our growers.”

Thinkerbell North’s general manager, Phillippa Netolicky, said: “We look forward to leveraging all parts of the Thinkerbell business to implement our marketing sciences, evidence-based approach, across the Hort Innovation portfolio of Australian produce.

“Through our ‘measured magic’ proposition – which uniquely combines marketing science with hardcore creativity – we’re excited to create culturally relevant and behaviour changing work, to drive real business outcomes and support Aussie growers.”


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