
Leo Burnett wins Creative Showcase with augmented reality app for kids

An iPhone app developed by Leo Burnett to support a new children’s book has been named the winner of the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s final Creative Showcase contest of the year.

The Parrot Carrot Safari is aimed at children aged two to five and allows them to make links between words that rhyme with animal names. The app includes augmented reality and narration from Kamahl.

Second was an app from Holler to tie Heineken in with the Rugby World Cup.  

The Monkeys were third with the Add A Motor To It campaign for Ice Break.

The winners can be seen on the Creative Showcase website.

Mike Zeederberg, chair of judges, said: “Australia’s breadth of digital creative work continues to expand. iPhone apps, viral content, offline and online event tie-ups, impressive social integration – this rounds’ crop of entries had it all and made it extremely hard for the judges to choose between. Ultimately it was the integration of offline and digital products with a dash of augmented reality that most impressed the judges, but overall is was an impressive group of work.”


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