Dr Mumbo

What could possibly go wrong..?

When it comes to giving customers the opportunity to have input into creating products, brands should take a moment to ask: what could possibly go wrong?

That’s a factor McDonald’s in New Zealand seems to have failed to consider when it launched its Create Your Taste burger design competition online.

Macca’s provided consumers a ‘Create Your Taste’ tool that allows them to create a custom a burger, using any of the ingredients offered on the menu. Unsurprisingly things quickly went buns up.

While some entries, ‘Bag of Lettuce’ simply took the piss, others were more concerning:

Take for example the ‘Jewish Feast’ by Adolf H, or ‘Cream of Sum Yung Guy’, or ‘Fuc h N I I G E R Z’ and or ‘Bush Did Nien Eleven’ and you’ll get an idea how fast things went south.

McDonald’s New Zealand has now suspended the competition. At least when the UK did a similar experiment with its new polar research ship we got a fun name in “Boaty McBoatFace”. 


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