Dr Mumbo

Nine attempting to buy Costello airport footage for A Current Affair

The Nine Network is in the middle of a furious bidding war to secure footage of Peter Costello allegedly pushing a News Corp journalist to the ground in order to head up an explosive new episode of A Current Affair.

According to insider sources, A Current Affair bosses are incensed their own journalists didn’t chase the former Nine chairman through the airport, bombarding him with questions, and invading his personal space, saying “it’s what we do best – plus we have his calendar – that should have been one of our team violently shoved to the ground”.

The not-to-be-missed episode of A Current Affair will be about airport frustration, and how long queues, cancelled flights, and lost luggage are making everyday Aussies explode with rage.

ACA is desperately battling for the rights to show the footage, but it won’t come cheap.

Seven is also hoping to air Costello’s rampage as part of a very special episode of Today Tonight that will see Naomi Robson return for one night only, while Ten is hoping to play the footage on The Project, underneath a scintillating Waleed Aly monologue about Costello’s agenda of labour market deregulation during the early ’00s.

Peter Costello stepped down from his role as Nine chairman on the weekend, after going viral for his wacky airport video during the week. Nothing else currently happening at Nine had, so far, merited his leaving the board.

At the time of reporting, Nine’s reporters are currently surrounding Sneesby’s house with the hopes that —  if fostering and protecting a culture of sexual harassment isn’t enough to get an executive sacked at Nine — maybe they’ll get lucky and he’ll knock them to the ground.

Plus, they’ll get on Seven news, which is the one people watch these days.


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